For Attorneys

Federal Sentencing Alliance Will Guide You Through The Mine Fields
If you are an attorney unfamiliar with federal sentencing, or just too busy to take on a big federal sentencing memoranda yourself, please feel free to contact FSA. You may just decide that with our assistance you are more comfortable taking that new federal criminal case that you are expanding your practice to include. As an attorney you can become competent in an area of law that your are unfamiliar with through your own self study. FSA is here to assist you with your own self study by providing you with on point research materials and caselaw related that federal case that you are considering.
You will be in good company. Many United States based law firms routinely seek expert sentencing third party services at some level. It is a way for you to dot the eyes and cross the tees for your Clients without getting into the mud yourself and committing hundreds of hours of your time in order to complete a current, highly technical, and proficient mitigation work product.
All legal documents written by Federal Sentencing Alliance for an Attorney or law firm are conformed to your practice and contain the signature block(s) of the Attorney(s) and law firm supervising for final edit, and approval. The final draft legal writing assignment is provided to you, together with current supporting caselaw cited within the document, and filing ready Appendices, for your review and acceptance, or requested further edit. No legal writing assignment is finished until you put your stamp of approval on it and approve it personally.