Federal Sentencing Alliance is pleased to make the following announcements:
Federal Sentencing Alliance has published the United States Sentencing Commission 2018-2019 Federal Sentencing Guidelines in a reformatted Word version text available for download as found at FSA's Information Website: www.federalsentencingguidelines.us. This information site will be kept current with newly updated sentencing guidelines as they become available from the USSC.
Federal Sentencing Alliance has also recently published the 2018-2019 Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Chapters 1-8, including the USSC Sentencing Table, on Amazon Books in a low cost, 723 page, easy to read - reference book, 8.27" x 11.69". Appendices A-C have been omitted from this publication.
The Federal Sentencing Guidelines 2018-2019 were originally published by the United States Sentencing Commission, an Agency of the United States in 2019.
Federal Sentencing Alliance is neither associated with the USSC, or any other Agency of the United States.

© 2019 Federal Sentencing Alliance